If you are commencing/starting business of FOOD BUSINESS OPERATORS like eating establishment,restaurant etc., then firstly FSSAI license/Registration is required to be obtained.
Following are three types of licenses for FOOD BUSINESS OPERATORS :-
- FSSAI Registration (For Petty Food Business Operators)
- FSSAI State License
- FSSAI Central License
Generally It depends upon type of business, turnover and production capacity of the business to check whether Registration is required or State license is required or Central License is required.
To check the eligibility click here
In case of restaurants
- If annual turnover is upto Rs. 12 lakhs, FSSAI registration is required.
- If annual turnover is more than 12 lakhs but upto Rs. 20 Crores, STATE FSSAI License is required
- If annual turnover is more than Rs. 20 Crore, CENTRAL FSSAI License is required
We assist FOOD BUSINESS OPERATORS in respect of getting all the licenses required for commencing their eating establishment/restaurant. We will prepare all documents required (for liasoning purpose) on behalf of business owners/founders.
Documents & Details required
For applying FSSAI License for FOOD BUSINESS OPERATOR BUSINESS, we need documents/details in respect of Directors/partners/proprietors,Shareholders and business premises. We need to upload the documents/details on FSSAI Portal. After verification(by FSSAI Department) of all the documents/details uploaded , Department will issue the License . For detailed list of documents/details.
- Dairy Units
- Vegetable oil processing units
- Repackers and relabellers
- Food Vending Agencies
- Caterer
- Canteens
- Restaurant
- Merchant Exporters of Foods products
- E-Commerce
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the cases in which Central License is required to be obtained irrespective of turnover and production capacity?
- Importers importing food items
- In case premises at Central Government Agencies
- In case premises at Airport/Seaport
- In case of 100% Export Oriented Units
- In case of E-Commerce Operator
- Registered/Head office of Food business operators operating in two or more states
What are the cases in which NOC is required to be obtained?
- In case of slaughtering Units, NOC from Municipal Body is necessary to be submitted.
- In case of meat processing Units, NOC from Municipal Body is necessary to be submitted.
- In case water is Ground Water, NOC from CGWA is necessary to be submitted.
- In case of Relabeller & Repackers, NOC & Copy of License from manufacturer is necessary to be submitted.
Which license is required by a food business operator to run a food business in more than two states?
Food Business Operator operating in more than two States has to get Central License for its registered Office/ Head Office and separate license/ Registration for each units depending upon the capacity/ turnover from the concerned State/ Central Licensing Authority.
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Stop Thinking for Legal Compliances!
We are here to assist you in respect of all applicable legal compliances for starting a business effectively and efficiently.